Saturday, December 1, 2007

home sweet home

I saw the clock on my hand phone, the time shows 11:08 am. still lying on the bed, i looked around me, i was still in Ixora, and noticed the empty single bed next to me, my roomie wasn't back. it was cold as usual, freezing to be exact. It felt like waking up on a winter morning. While i was trying hard to get outta bed, i was pondering what shall i do, having the whole day today to myself. I have no classes or anything, can't go shopping, have no car and i can't drive (like duh...!) so finally outta bed, i headed straight to the bathroom. Washed my face, brushed my teeth (i can't shower yet its FREEZING!) i have no water heater too. then i headed to the kitchen mixed myself a hot cup of cereal oats, headed back to my room, sat on my desk and i began to wonder.

My Sunday mornings at home are way much different than the ones i have over here. In fact all my mornings would be different. I'll only wake up to the voice of my dad or my mom. My dad leaves to work early in the morning, about 7. Usually before he leaves to work he'd come to my room, sitting at the edge of my bed and talk to me and I'll be replying him half asleep. Then, after that if I'm still not awake, a while after my dad left to work, my mom would come into my room, again, sitting at the edge of my bed. Her routines in my room every mornings are easy, she'd be disturbing me while I'm sleeping (the whole world know not to disturb me in my slumber!) she'd put feather in my ear, tickle me before she asks me what i want for breakfast. Then finally with a smack on my legs she's out. that's only on weekday mornings but on Sundays its totally different.

My dad, HE, loves to wake up real early in the mornings. he'd wake up at about 6:30 in the morning (yeah! even on Sundays) then he'd wake the rest of the household. By 7:45 the whole house would be up(except for the little princess, me!) I'd be up only at 8 something, AND by that time, breakfast would be served, everyone would be seated on the dining table, me as usual the last person to join the table. Welcomed by a sarcastic good morning by my sisters (DARN IT!) and a lovely good morning from my dad, of course! eating breakfast, we'd be discussing about what house chores to do for that day (I've ALWAYS hated that!) then my dad would assign each and everyone of us (AGAIN! except ME cos I'd be teaming up with my dad) with individual chores. My mom, she's always assigned work in the kitchen hahaha.

The theme of the day would be "DO NOT UPSET THE COOK" which is my mom, of course. Then the work starts, the house would in a total mess when the work had begun then by the late afternoon, it'd be all clean spick and span! lunch would be served. But this time I'd be the first to be seated on the table (I'd be starving and cranky) shouting at everyone to get their butts on the dining table, not till the 10th minute after I've shouted that the dining table is seated. We'd be doing postmortem of what we've done the whole day and my dad would individually credit each and everyone of us for the good job we've done. Well, i usually get the special crediting session, followed by the absolutely annoyed faces of my sisters.

It's that dreaded time again, who's gonna do the dishes. To escape that, I've came up with my own formula, finish your food fast, make sure not to leave any left overs in your plate and scram towards the kitchen, wash your plate, run and never look back! It only works sometimes, most of the time the dining table would miraculously transform into the parliament debate, who's gonna do the dishes. And guess what! (no! i would never get away this time!) having my sisters annoyed with me, it would be me and my other sister, while the rest would just rest their behinds in the sofa! I'd always peek into the living room just to make sure no one sits on my chair. I love my chair, its so strategically placed. Everyone wants to sit on it! (you wish!) then, after a enduring 15 minutes in the kitchen, we'd join the rest, watching TV then after a while, my parents would leave for their afternoon nap. My dad would leave the living room with two messages:
"wake me up at 5:30"and to my sisters, "don't bully your sister" (that's me!) then after a heated argument, all three of us would miraculously settle down to a movie. We'd be watching it, laughing our butts out and so the evening goes. one of us would wake dad up, then its gardening time. After that its shower, prayers and dinner. Late at night my sister would iron my uniforms, my dad's shirts and the rest's uniforms for the coming weekdays.

But now, things have changed a lot. my sisters are now working career women, one is a corporate lady and the other one is a nurse. ( I call her sunshine nurse) and its now down to my mom and dad at home, and maximus of course the new junior of the family, our pet cat. Remember, The family thats eats together, prays together, stay together!


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