Tuesday, November 20, 2007


im full of emotions right now.. i feel sad, i feel down, i feel depressed, i feel tired, i feel like giving up, i feel lonely, i feel bad, i feel stupid, i feel weird, i feel like a loser, i feel pathetic, i feel small, i feel low, i feel sad, i feel stressed,i feel hopeless, i feel helpless, i feel lost, i feel worthless, feel everything! honestly im tired of living already, breathing seems like an obligation and a tough job now. i feel heavy taking the next step in everything. maybe im just being a drama queen. or am i? i miss someone... i feel like a moron even bother thinking bout that person cos i wonder does he even spend the slightest second thinking of me! i failed my maths! i feel like such a loser!! why cant i do maths?? am i the only one who cant even do the simplest equations of additional maths? is there anyone like me? i feel stupefied! and im fat!! owh gosh! is it the end of the world yet? my life feels like a TRAGIC COMEDY, the jokes' always on ME!! sometimes i just wonder, what am i actually doing here? im 20 years old, i can't make up my own mind, im so under achieved and im so fickle minded! i keep failing in everything i do. honestly i really feel like killing myself. i just cant go on any further! but why?? what happened to me? im getting lazier and stupider!what am i so afraid off? i feel so darn fragile now! WEAK!! i can fall apart anytime now! or am i already falling apart? i really hope to wake up one day and it's all just a nightmare....will this ever end? or it'd just add up to the various "emotions" i feel...

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