Thursday, November 15, 2007

she was in love after all....

and so finally they met, after such long intervals and only chatting through phone calls and most of the times texting each other addictively, they finally met! wow... its just like a whole new beginning. and they kept texting each other even more passionately and addictively, missing each other dearly. they just couldn't get enough of each other. it was something beautifully romantic, the chemistry between them. then came a day, he said he's falling madly in love with her then another day, he said he's fallen in love with her and finally, he said it! he said "i love you"she was overwhelmed, happy. but she doesn't know whats she's feeling for him she's afraid of replying him back because she was so convinced that whatever she felt for him wasn't love. he said he'd wait she wants him but she doesn't want him. she was confused but she knew something was there! what she never knew was that it was love she felt all along for him. he said he'd wait for her until she would reply those same three words to him. and he did waited. they kept getting closer and intimate, no psychical relationship involved between them, it was something so romantic, passionate but yet innocent. they fought, they laughed, they were like every other couples but they were not. he was perfect! he's everything a girl could ever wish for and he belonged to her, she didn't know. she kept drifting away from him.. he kept reaching for her untill one day he just let her drift away.... they were apart. after sometime they met. he asked her for her heart and this time she gave it! she realized her love for him and the fear of losing the first love of her life. she never loved anyone. but now she loves him. she never felt happier or so sure about her feelings. she thought this one can finally last. sadly.. this ain't a fairy tale. he was stressed under some personal issues and finally said to her....his feelings have changed and he can't be with anyone right now. she was shattered into a million pieces, thats beyond repair! and so she just let him go hoping that he'd come to her someday... and hoping to get over him too. she still laughs at herself, standing before the mirror and says" it was love after all........" if only she knew it earlier...

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