Wednesday, November 28, 2007

of guys and sex

its like the new synonym , guys and sex. are all the guys equally as horny all the time? i mean how many times in a minute do they actually think about sex? 10? 100? or maybe thats what they think about all the time? i wish i could figure out this somehow rather weird phenomenon. its really frustrating that when you go out with a guy and all that he wants from you is to get in your pants! thats sick and low down! don't anyone wait till marriage to have sex already?? is being promiscuous the "it" thing now? and what bites me is that how in some society people are being so bias bout this issue. its ok for a guy to be promiscuous but if a girl does the same she's labeled a slut whore and all kinds on names i wouldn't even wanna know. well what happened to gender equality? wait a minute! i am NOT saying that girls should be promiscuous too! no! not at all! its just that, from my random research about 'the male behavior', guys would go out and have fun with girls who are jovial, outspoken and partilicious girls JUST to have fun BUT those are NOT the girls they wanna settle down with. no! after all the fun and when its time to settle down and get hitched, guess what? they'd opt to an ordinary down to earth simple plain janes! this is very offending! well sad to say most guys are very insensitive towards all this small things. females often worry about the small bits and pieces that males usually forget about, and thats a fact. i have always noticed that even the smartest guy,the genius or what-so-ever isn't that smart after all! why? they cant figure out even the simplest thing, females! and they accuse us for being deep, mysterious yada yada! they just fail to read between the lines, which! they totally suck at of course. well they just don't bother because half the time they'd be busy ogling over breasts or butts. guys would easily say i just wanna have sex with you and no commitments or strings attached!before you could bash me up with your criticisms, this is NOT a about male bashing and im certainly not being a sexist. im just sharing my random research and experience with different characters of guys. the question here is are guys entirely sex minded? is it their obsession? is it all that they look for in a relationship? i met this guy recently. actually we've known each other for quite some time but it wasn't till a few countless rejections he received for me that i started going out with him. this particular guy here., lets call him moron, cos thats what he is. he cute, really hot, good job, good pay, and a HOT ride. i must admit i really adore his car. he's 24. and i gotta admit that i often feel the slightest intimidation towards his looks, certainly not as promiscuous as him. and this dude here has a problem with commitments. geesh! watta turn off y'all. i really like him (liked him to be exact) but he thinks I'm the kind of girl who would anything for the guy she likes. gosh! which century is he from? too bad, I'm much more wiser and practical than he is, he keeps pressuring me to sleep with him. are you kidding me or what! he even said "lets have sex first then we can be together" what the ......? this thing really shocked me. i mean i cant believe someone would actually say that to another person. im not just a meat that you'd love to screw! gimme a break. this is so disrespecting. where is the respect? dont anyone respect anybody anymore?? and some guys even have this perception that being open minded is being able to dirty talk. bad joke y'all! what im trying to say is, in the society right now, i mean most Malaysians are pretty much westernized in their lifestyle, sex is something so casual. i mean who could think of a video clip with out a half naked female dancing her booties out? sex is no longer a taboo like it used to be. teenagers as young as 14 gets laid! where is the moral? aren't we supposedly be the "conservative" easterners? is sex now a culture and something casual?

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