Wednesday, November 28, 2007

fringe, fringey fringed!

yeah babey!!!!!!!!!! its fringe! ive finally gotten my fringe after so darn long! ive always loved fringes, i think they look good on me! it makes me feel and look sexy! and yeah i just got back from the salon with my brand new look (again!) looking hotter than ever! i feel brand new! gosh! this fringe that i got now is different from the one i had previously, the one that i have now is shorter. my friends are like "you look hot!" my house mates notyiced the new hair do immediately, they were like "you cut your hair?? woah.. you look nice! how much did you you paid?" boy was i flattered or what? hahaha. well i cant help it! i just feel so sexy i think eva longoria would wanna spend the next few weeks hanging out with me! (i wish!) i just cant stop looking at myself in the mirror! i could just stare at myself (AND!) the fringe all day long without a blink! gosh! im obsessed with my fringe! WELL! laydees, always remember that u gotta love yourself and the way you look. and thats what im doing now hahaha im loving myself and the way i look! you'll look perfect and beautiful to the whole wide world if you look beautiful to yourself.

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