Wednesday, November 14, 2007

fast food anyone??

McD, PizzaHut, Dominos, Burger King. KFC, Sushi King, A&W thats just a few to list down, there's more of it actualy. let's just admit it we just can't resist them, can we? just forget about the lame "fast food is fattening" bullcrap which some dimwitted moron came up with. we all love food and most of us wish to eat all they can without even having the thought of gaining weight. but who cares. certainly not me, i dont give a damn about it! definately no! i eat my heart out and i make sure i dont have the tiniest regret of what and how much i ate, thats just a waste of emotion n time! just because victoria and paris hilton look like a bunch of broom sticks doesn't mean that we have too. right? and yeah the deadly equation, fast food = cholestrol+fat,it is true but, c'mon get real! try looking at it from a different perspective; we have people dying in the most pathetic and peculiar ways; drug abuse, alcohol abuse, car crashes, murders, suicides yada yada, so which is better? enjoying every single bite of your food and getting a cardiac arrest, which (TRUST ME) takes at least a few years till it actually happens or to starve yourself watch everyone else eat EXCEPT yourself without even having the chance to let your taste buds get adventurous then the next thing you know you got stabbed while walking by some random psycho? im being very realistic here, FYI. so... McDonalds anyone??

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