Thursday, November 22, 2007

crisis, crisis,crisis

its known as mid life crisis when you're 40, so, ladies and gentlemen, presenting the new, mathematically engineered term, (drum rolls) period. quarter life crisis!! this happens when you're 20! quarter life crisis, people! and trust me this is even worst than mid life crisis cos it practically paralyzes you're life, WHICH! is just about to develop and improve. it all starts when you mistakenly almost washed your face with your shampoo, mistaken the facial wash tube for your toothpaste tube and almost brushed your teeth with the facial cleanser. constant bitching about everything everyone.whiner.pessimistic. unreal. severe day dreaming. irrational. sloth. slob. getting older. still acting like kid, cant make up own mind. decisions. decisions. decisions. failing exams. jinx-ed in love. broke up.still single. never been kissed. no driver's license. always taken for granted. lousy campus friends. friend's leaving to a different campus, immature classmates. surrounded by uncivilized, shallow wanna be's. living in a scary area. boring town. small state. unreliable mates. feeling fat (NOT phat!!) and shapeless. eating a lot.wasting time. lazy. bumming around.dumb. insecure. paranoid. lost. clueless. miss someone you not sure is missing you back. being judged. debts. rents. books. over spending. lavish. decreasing bank account.debtors. midterm exams. bad role model.stacked up laundry. thinning hair. stretch marks. dropping grades. under performing. lonely.tripping. falling.bored.waiting for a miracle.......keep waiting........ cause this is just the tip of the iceberg, baby!

1 comment:

kachu said...

be strong gal...
that what u said to me when i had my bad times...
everyone go through this...
but i do think u r better at this...
u have that diplomat quality for god sake...

just keep moving forward as in the robbison cartoon said...
and its true..

u should consider writing a book tooo... how about online novel... coz u can put words together nicely and make it intresting to read or hear..